w07 Art Technology Science Culture Research

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Re: w07 Art Technology Science Culture Research

Post by wangqian321 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:28 am

Sobra la falta
http://www.proyecto-biopus.com.ar/biopu ... index.html
This is an installation where a “recycling” robot tries to build images using the garbage visitors discarded. When entering the room, visitors find a garbage container where trash can be left. As garbage is accumulated in the container a robot takes it away and rearranges the trash in space creating an image with it. Once the robot has created a picture it will be “erased” and consequently a new image can be built. The cleaning up will be done by a second “sweeping” robot, which will be moving remainders back to the garbage area. The images created by the robot are shot by the camera and projected on the wall. It shows that trash can also create art.
Into the forest
http://openendedgroup.com/index.php/art ... he-forest/
Into the Forest is an interactive 3D installation that evokes the play and the daydreams of children exploring an ever-changing forest. Commissioned by the Museum of the Moving Image, it opens there on January 15, 2011.Into the Forest projects painterly imagery that seems to hover off the screen in stereoscopic 3D so that the viewer feels almost inside the imaginary virtual world. Indeed, from time to time, a spotlight comes on in the gallery, and anyone stepping inside it becomes a figure placed in that 3D world and intermingling with the virtual children there. The experience is akin to plunging back into the daydreams of childhood, which can be glimpsed again but never quite recaptured.
sound balances- five kinetic sound sculptures
Five kinetic sound sculptures that function according to the principle of balance. The crossbar of a balance holds a stone at one of its ends and a flat water bowl at its other end. On top of the sculpture there is a water reservoir from which the water runs through a pipe and then through a valve down into the bowl.
Once a certain amount of water has filled the bowl, the arm gets out of balance and the bowl becomes a spout, pouring out the water after which the arm swings back. Therefore the stone at the other end of the arm hits on a metal disc generating a sound. Afterwards the process repeats itself. This project combines sound and sculpture together.

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Re: w07 Art Technology Science Culture Research

Post by jessicalaw04 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:27 am

I have found three projects that interested me from the "activated everyday objects" category:

http://www.kosaka-lab.com/kosaka_labora ... roject.php
1. Back to the Mouth, Takuya Iwamoto et al
It is a project that uses people's bad breath as an interface for a video game. Basically, there are three steps to play the game. First, you have to eat and drink in order to create some bad breath. Second, aim to the monitor with the game device. A last, blow into the device and the sensor will translate the breath into power in the game.

http://www.siggraph.org/s2009/galleries ... ech&id=158
2. Funbrella: Making Rain Fun, Ai Yoshida et al
This project uses sounds, sights, and sometimes smells to allow participants to experience rain in distant places and different times. The system exploits the vibration recored and sent from a speaker and a microphone through an umbrella's handle to let people feel the rain. There are two main kinds of rain the system creates.
-Crazy Rain. In this scenario, Funbrella stores many types of rain in advance, including not only normal rain with three levels of strength, but also odd rains such as water from a bucket and "rains" recorded with snake toys, marbles, BBs, and spaghetti. In this application, participants experience impossible or unlikely rains.
-Tele-Rain, in which two participants hold Funbrellas apart from each other, and one's rain is transmitted to the other in real time.
Described from the web page.

3. Wave Pillow, Elmar Trefz
Pillow is something we use every day. And, the wave pillow allows people to feel waves via vibrations emitted from a pillow, which would help people easier to feel relax. It makes the users feel like sleeping or relaxing at the beach or ocean, which would definitely be fun for swimmers and surfers. It is something that can be useful in real life.

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Re: w07 Art Technology Science Culture Research

Post by j_j05ham » Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:51 pm

dead links
under Conseptual Kinetics, Electronics, Physical Computing and subsection Kinetic Spectacles/Grafiiti/Intervention the link for Power Tool Races does not work

under Robotics and subsection Social Metaphor the link Dog[Lab]01 does not work
http://www.fundacion.telefonica.com/at/ ... 6/dog.html but alternative link works fine

1. I was looking at the burning man projects found in QBOX but honestly im more interested in the Toxic Waste project, where they will be restoring a toxic wasteland into a green garden with art scultpures here and there. I originally took this class to learn how tosee objects and items in a different perspective and then capture them in that same persona with a picture. felt this technique would aid me in my goal to becoming an architect. This project captures architecture through the green garden (landscape architecture), incorporates art sculptures as parts of the garden and all together creates a different perspective on the two majors. Somewhat of a perfect harmony, not to mention it also restores the environment.
2.Cyberdoll is by far an interesting ensemble of robotic art pieces that dwindle between the notion of human and robotic emotions. within the art works we see robots performing task that have little to no value but rather are more for the personal and self entertainment. in one image we see a robotic cat watching a digital fish swim, either to represent its realistic emotions or to represent a notion of wanting to simply enjoy entertainment, ether way its representing realistic emotions. Another, perhaps a bit more interesting peice is that of the puzzle peices. the works show how similar the human body and robotics work. Overall the works remind us that humans designed technology to function just like we do, better in some aspects but not in others.
3.I honestly believe that the most interesting art peice that i saw in the whole honsaomble of works was the Museum of Pure Form. Im still quite a bit unsure how it completely works, I think its one of those things that must be experienced to fully comprehend its genius. From what I see and read the art work gave texture to 2D images, making them 3D. A exoskeletin meachanical arm and glasses where worn to create the effect. In a sense its a huge step in the advancement of virtual reality. Just imagine being able to travel into pictures to see and feel averything around the captured experience? AMAZING.
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Re: w07 Art Technology Science Culture Research

Post by karenyliu » Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:16 pm

http://opera.media.mit.edu/ToySymphony/ ... smain.html
At first I looked at the Music instrument area because I like music a lot. I found this project, The Music Toys, very interesting to me. The Music Toys was developed by Tod Machover and his team at the MIT Media Lab for Toy Symphony. This is a very sophisticated instruments which were designed simply to be played by any person with the desire to make music with the specific needs and capabilities of young people in mind. There is no skill prerequisite but only the willingness to participate. There are three principal instruments used in the work for general audiences, and a fourth instrument for a more sophisticated musician. Through the use of Music toys, children and adults alike can shape and modify musical line with expressive gestured and delicate touch. People can compose and play music by using special software to draw lines that run into musical compositions. I found this project very interesting and sweet.
This project by Leo Villareal: PS1/MoMA is a light installation project at Long Island City , New York in 2003. This is a matrix of 640 LED illuminators measuring 45 by 120 feet. It displays patterns produced by Leo Villareal’s programming that suggest a coded game. This project “Supercuster” is a “system” that combines related elements in a complex whole. On PS1’s scaffolding, nestled between the Midtown Tunnel, the Long Island Expressway, and the Queens borough Bridge and with the back drop of Mahatten, this artwork’s urban qualities resonate within its context. Mirroring the patterns of pedestrians, traffic, trains, and the city itself, Supercluster distills the underlying rules that govern a complex system and seeks a common denominator between the organic and synthetic. I found this project very creative and beautiful. With this kind of installation, the city indeed looks much more beautiful.
I here I found another project relating to music. The Three Sirens is a self learning robotic rock band. Originally, three robots formed a band called The Three Sirens, those were Aglaopheme the slide guitar, Peisinoe the bass, and Thelxiepeia the drum. By now, a few other artificial intelligences have joined the group:” Aciilyzer the covals, LynxArm the Percussion and some off the shelf electronic instruments. The Three Sirens are not conventional musical instruments but autonomous, self learning robot musician. They are not controlled by human but artificial neural networks control every aspect of the robot’s activities. This means that the authorship for their music does not belong to any living being; all musical material is generated by self organizing learning processes in an improvising manner. This project, to me, is very impressive and I would actually want to see it personally.

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Re: w07 Art Technology Science Culture Research

Post by ewoodworth » Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:19 pm

http://www.sonycsl.co.jp/person/nielsen ... rmask.html

HyperMask is a system that projects an animated face onto a physical mask worn by an person. As the mask moves within a prescribed area, its position and orientation are detected by a camera and the projected image changes with respect to the viewpoint of the audience. The lips of the projected face are automatically synthesized in real time with the voice of the actor, who also controls the facial expressions.

Helpless Robot

Helpless Robot was created by Norman White in 1987. It is an artificial personality that speaks to humans in an electronic voice. The robot is able to say any of 512 phrases based on its experience of prior and existing emotions such as boredom, frustration, arrogance, and ovestimulation.

Body Surfing
http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~swilson/art/bo ... rfing.html

Stephen Wilson describes his work as “an interactive art installation questioning the role of the body in the digital age.” Body Surfing uses body sensing technology to investigate the limitations of the body in contexts such as dance, physical labor, sport, feasting, erotic touch, hunger, sickness, old age, bioinfomatics, medical dissection, dna modeling, and medical imaging. Media events are accessed through different body movements and responded to by computers. A few examples of these media events are listed as followed:
-Each beat of the drum brings body sounds, changes in lighting, and changes in the projected images.
-Stretching causes some images to enlarge.
-Visitors must run around the room in order keep digital movies running and to access web pages.
- Web visitors can also participate via their virtual body, sending drum sequences, body sounds, and texts to be read by the speech synthesizer.

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