8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

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8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by glegrady » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:49 pm

LIst 3 to 5 industrial, medical, scientific, etc. technologies that expand our vision, hearing, sensing. Provide names, short descriptions and links to each. Due November 18, 2010
George Legrady

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by klmurphy » Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:23 pm

Hearing aid.
Credits:Wellcome Library, London

Medical technology can also assist impaired senses, especially sight and hearing. Ear trumpets were popular in the early 1800s. These horn-shaped devices directed and amplified sound into the ear. They were more sophisticated and effective than earlier hearing aids. Electric hearing aids appeared at the start of the 20th century. Improvements in technology shrunk them. By the 1950s, transistor technology meant devices could be worn behind the ear. The 1980s saw hearing aids small enough to be fitted in the ear. From the 1950s, cochlear implants, a form of bionic ear, were experimented with. This controversial technology does not amplify sound like ordinary hearing aids. Instead it stimulates hearing nerves inside the ear to provide a sense of sound to a profoundly deaf person.
By using a hearing aid, our sense of hearing is enhanced.

Insulin pump
Diabetes: Living with an insulin pump
This machine regulates sensations, diabetes alters our senses and this machine keeps them in check and stable.

More and more people with diabetes are using insulin pumps instead of daily shots to manage their disease. The pumps give them more freedom to eat, sleep, and exercise when they want. Pumps usually help people do a better job of controlling their blood sugar. A pump can be an important tool in preventing problems like very low blood sugar.

MRI Scan
Improves our capability of what we can see.

Magnetic resonance imaging is primarily used in medical imaging to visualise the structure and function of the body. It provides detailed images of the body in any plane. MRI has much greater soft tissue contrast than Computed tomography (CT) making it especially useful in neurological diseases.

(http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe ... d=0CBsQkAE)

A patient examination utilizing a magnetic field and radio waves to produce a highly accurate view of the inside of any portion of the body. It is a painless and extremely safe procedure because no radiation is used. Typical fields that use MRIs include neurology and cardiology. (Definition provided by the Columbus Diagnostic Imaging web site.)

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by gclassen » Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:22 pm

Infrared thermography, thermal imaging, and thermal video are examples of infrared imaging science. Thermal imaging cameras detect radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (roughly 9000–14,000 nanometers or 9–14 µm) and produce images of that radiation, called thermograms. Since infrared radiation is emitted by all objects near room temperature, according to the black body radiation law, thermography makes it possible to see one's environment with or without visible illumination. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature; therefore, thermography allows one to see variations in temperature. When viewed through a thermal imaging camera, warm objects stand out well against cooler backgrounds; humans and other warm-blooded animals become easily visible against the environment, day or night. As a result, thermography is particularly useful to the military and to security services.

Glasses – also called eyeglasses (formal), spectacles, or specs (informal) – are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes, normally for vision correction or eye protection. Safety glasses are a kind of eye protection against flying debris or against visible and near visible light or radiation. Sunglasses allow better vision in bright daylight, and may protect against damage from high levels of ultraviolet light. Other types of glasses may be used for viewing visual information (such as stereoscopy) or simply just for aesthetic or fashion values.

Headphones are a pair of small loudspeakers, or less commonly a single speaker, with a way of holding them close to a user's ears and a means of connecting them to a signal source such as an audio amplifier, radio or CD player. They are also known as stereophones, headsets or, colloquially cans. The in-ear versions are known as earphones or earbuds. In the context of telecommunication, the term headset is used to describe a combination of headphone and microphone used for two-way communication, for example with a telephone.

Night glasses are telescopes or binoculars with a large diameter objective. Large lenses can gather and concentrate light, thus intensifying light with purely optical means and enabling the user to see better in the dark than with the naked eye alone. Often night glasses also have a fairly large exit pupil of 7 mm or more to let all gathered light into the user's eye. However, many people can't take advantage of this because of the limited dilation of the human pupil. To overcome this, soldiers were sometimes issued atropine eye drops to dilate pupils. Before the introduction of image intensifiers, night glasses were the only method of night vision, and thus were widely utilized, especially at sea. Second World War era night glasses usually had a lens diameter of 56 mm or more with magnification of seven or eight. Major drawbacks of night glasses are their large size and weight.

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by amirzaian » Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:59 pm

One of the three technological advances that I found was a military project called the “Exoskeleton Suit.” The Suit was designed by engineers to give soldiers increased stamina and the power to lift heavy weighing objects with more ease. It records and mimics the specific movements of the person within the suit making it easier to carryout specific actions. It can do basic movements like going up stairs to more challenging objectives like lifting 200-pound weights.
http://www.hightech-edge.com/military-s ... ideo/1148/

Another technological advance that interested me was the “Bionic Eye” which was created by scientists in America. The implant, which is placed with in the eye, restores sight for blind people. The way in which the bionic eye works is though the implant that is connected to the retina. The images are captured by a camera and transferred to a receiver, which stimulates electrodes within the implant sending pulses to the brain creating light and dark images.

A medical technological advance for paraplegics were the Bionic legs created by a New Zealand biotech company. The bionic legs called “REX” allow paraplegics to stand up and actually walk around. Rather than being confined to a wheel chair these legs give paraplegics the power of mobility again. The legs are controlled by the manipulation of a joystick and visual screen.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... again.html

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by DCSmith » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:26 pm

1. VRD Display
Virtual retina display, also referred to as Retinal Scan display, is a technology that projects images directly on the retina of the eye. As of right now it is able to connect to portions of undamaged eyes but eventually will be able to be directly connected to the optical nerve and restore sight to the blind. Potentially it can display a sharper and brighter image than what our brain/eye combination is able to create. There has been some military research into expanding helmet based cameras to VRD's, where a soldier would have enhanced vision as well as many display capabilities, information on screen, or eye rather, essentially bringing science fiction and video games into reality.

2. Deep Brain Stimulation
DBS is essentially like a pacemaker for the human brain. They implant a battery pack (generally the chest area) that emits signals to various parts of the brain. As of right now this is tailored more to treat illnesses such as Parkinson's, depression, and Tourrete syndrome, but scientists are now experimenting with memory stimulation. Various tests have shown that by stimulating certain areas used for memory have caused many long term memories to surface as well as increased short term to long term memory.

3. The Envoy Esteem
The envoy esteem is the first hearing implant that is completely implantable, requires no maintenance or cleaning, and creates a natural sound as opposed to a recorded sound. Instead of using a microphone to receive input then regurgitate it to the ear creating an unnatural sound the device uses the eardrum and a sensor to mimic naturally occurring vibrations in the ear. The only downside is that it has to be surgically planted which carries all the risks of invasive surgeries.

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by BritRollins » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:11 pm

1. Cochlear Implant:
A cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. The cochlear implant is often referred to as a bionic ear.

As of April 2009, approximately 188,000 people worldwide had received cochlear implants; in the United States, about 30,000 adults and over 30,000 children are recipients. The vast majority are in developed countries due to the high cost of the device, surgery and post-implantation therapy. A small but growing segment of recipients have bilateral implants (one implant in each cochlea).


2. ElectroLarynx -
(abbreviated EL or AL for Artificial Larynx) There are several such devices on the market - of basically two types. They are all battery powered, but with one type of unit, you place it against your throat, push a button, and the machine transmits a vibration noise to your throat which you then form into words and sounds with your lips, teeth, and tongue. With the second type, the vibration sound is transmitted directly into your mouth via a small tube - words and sounds are made in a similar manner. Regardless of the type, the "sound" produced sounds something like THIS ("Hello! How are you?" on an electro-larynx).


3. The Braille
200px-DSC_4050-MR-Braille.jpg (11.32 KiB) Viewed 22891 times
system is a method that is widely used by blind people to read and write, and was the first digital form of writing. Braille was devised in 1821 by Louis Braille, a blind Frenchman. Each Braille character, or cell, is made up of six dot positions, arranged in a rectangle containing two columns of three dots each. A dot may be raised at any of the six positions to form sixty-four (26) possible subsets, including the arrangement in which no dots are raised. For reference purposes, a particular permutation may be described by naming the positions where dots are raised, the positions being universally numbered 1 to 3, from top to bottom, on the left, and 4 to 6, from top to bottom, on the right. For example, dots 1-3-4 (⠍) would describe a cell with three dots raised, at the top and bottom in the left column and on top of the right column, i.e., the letter m. The lines of horizontal Braille text are separated by a space, much like visible printed text, so that the dots of one line can be differentiated from the Braille text above and below. Punctuation is represented by its own unique set of characters.


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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by yunjikim » Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:12 am

Image Image Image
The Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique used to visualize muscles, tendons, and many internal organs, to capture their size, structure and any pathological lesions with real time tomographic images.The ultrasound is now commonly used to visualize an fetuses in pregnancy, which is also known as obstetric sonography.

The PowerBalance bracelet is performance technology to enhance natural energy flow. The balance bracelet can optimize an individual's balance and stability by working with your body's natural energy field.

Lasik is a refractive surgery performed with laser to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. After undergoing LASIK eye surgery, and individual with any of the above mentioned vision deficiency is able to see clearly without the aid of glasses or contact lenses.

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by annab » Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:12 am

Wireless under the skin
Made of silicon and the chip is so small that it's "smaller than the lettering on a dime". The applications are very broad but it's basically used for updating and sending information about a patients body, applying several uses such as monitoring peacemakers are keeping tabs on cochlea implants.
source: http://machinedesign.com/article/wirele ... -skin-0621

Electronic Skin
Although the use is inspiring science fiction of robots physically capable of feeling the same way human skin can, its uses are also inspiring medical engineering for enhancing the use of bionic parts. It is meant to help with measuring pressure and temperature.
source: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn7849

Electronic Nose
Meant to help those with loss of smell and also detect volatile compounds, it is in its early stages of design. Currently, it is being worked to be more mass produced by using alternate materials
source: http://vroot.org/node/4429

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by rzant » Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:24 pm

1. Roam EO


This is a technology that helps enable pet owners to find lost pets. The system consists of a collar that is placed on the animal, and a locating device that tracks the chip that is placed within the collar. The locating device has a screen on it that tracks the moving animal, as long as it is within one square mile of the locator.


2. Camera that sees around corners


Although it looks like a normal digital camera, this device can see around corners. It shoots out short, high intensity laser light that is able to illuminate scenes that are obstructed or out of direct view of the camera operator. The photons that are contained in the laser light bounce around the scene around the corner, and some make it back to the camera. This unseen environment is then able to be reconstructed by a computer application, based upon the information that has returned to the camera.

http://photorumors.com/2010/11/17/mit-c ... d-corners/

3. Medical mirror


This is a technology that allows a person to look in the mirror and see basic vital information about themselves. The mirror utilizes low-resolution camera technology (off-the-shelf webcams) in order to measure the viewer's heart rate based off of imaging alone. The MIT graduate student who is developing this technology hopes soon to include technology within the mirror that can measure respiration and blood-oxygen levels.

http://www.psfk.com/2010/10/mit-student ... irror.html

4. Flybot


This is a device designed to be used by the military in order to gain information from situations that may be too dangerous for the physical presence of troops. It looks similar to a fly, or other flying insect, but has a camera within it that can be used to hunt down chemical or biological weapons, bombs, or other information. There is an advantage to using such technology as it puts no humans in physical danger, while maintaining an extremely low profile. Watch out for insect traps and flyswatters!

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Sky-Ne ... 0641277351
Last edited by rzant on Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 8. List of Industrial Technologies for ArtMaking

Post by jliu » Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:18 pm

1. Robotic Technology Puts the Blind in the Driver's Seat -article by Amy Tierney
Ths article is about this car that allows blind people to drive by having laser sensors that tells the driver what's around them. It even provides a tactile map with a voice that guides them and tells them when to turn. The vests attached to the seatbelts also vibrate in different frequencies to let them know how fast their going and where they're heading. http://robotics.tmcnet.com/topics/robot ... s-seat.htm

2. Music for Deaf People Headphones Produce "Sound" Through Synesthesia
These headphones send out signals of "bass, mid, and treble to the skin" through vibrations. Except instead of being real headphones, they are to be worn around your shoulders. http://gizmodo.com/5551200/music-for-de ... ynesthesia

3. Software Listens for Hints of Depression
This software picks up the algorythm, the pauses the pace of how a person speaks and it determines the mood of that person. Normally nurses would have to listen to the patient and through how they talk they can tell whether the patient is depressed or not. Now with this software, it can quickly tell if someone has depression or not by the rhythm of their speech. http://www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/23856/
Last edited by jliu on Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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