5.Classification Project

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by klmurphy » Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:35 pm

in continuation...
grace kelly images-9.jpg
lictenstein 61ZGbKU7JJL.jpg

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by amandaziegler » Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:46 pm

Dogs That Look Like Their Owners:

Classification is the organization and presentation of data. There are multitudes of ways to organize data, however for the sake of my project I organized my data through location, time (age), randomness, and categories. The theme of the data I collected is images of dog-owners resembling their dogs. There are eight images total, organized by two rows and four columns.

In my project I created two rows of images and four columns. The top row is juxtaposed with the bottom row and the image directly underneath. The image on the top row is of a younger generation, while the bottom row is juxtaposed with an older generation. Every image has the dog-owner positioned on the left of the image, while the dog is pictured on the right.

Another classification used to organize my project is the reoccurrence of an age differentiation between the images in the top row that are directly corresponded with the images underneath on the bottom row. In the top row, the dog-owner appears to be younger than the dog-owner pictured directly underneath.

I purposely found many images that were compiled for the same ad campaign to give my project some structure and flow. However, I added two images that were not from the same ad campaign to add randomness to my project. Six of the eight images have a background consisting of yellow ochre hues and tones, while the two random images are not consistent at all. One of the random images is in gray-scale, while the other image is color with a white background. The randomness forces the viewer to notice the difference between the six similar images and the two random images, while also forcing the viewer to pay closer attention to the similar images.

The last classification I focused on was the sub-categories found in my project that all has common-themed images of dog-owners that look like their owners. One categorization is that the image placed on the top row has a visual similarity with the image placed directly below. For instance, in the first image on the left side of my project, the common feature of the girl on the top row and the woman pictured in the bottom row is that both females have curly hair. Likewise, both of the dog-owners dog’s have curly fur and look a little bit prissy. The next two images juxtaposed show a chubby baby next to his dog that has a plentiful of rolls and subsequently, the man and dog placed underneath are both a little overweight. The next images show a young man with a very narrow face structure on top of an image of a woman with strikingly similar bone structure. Both dogs also have very narrow facial bone structure. Lastly, the last two images show a little girl with pigtails pictured above a man with long and droopy ears. The man’s dog has ears that resemble the same shape as the little girl’s pigtails.
Dogs That Resemble Their Owners
Last edited by amandaziegler on Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by amirzaian » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:19 pm

These five images all have certain classification attributes, which relates each one to the other. At first glance it is apparent that these images are advertisements of different clothing companies. The first image is an advertisement from the clothing company called H & M, the second is from GAP, the third is from Old Navy, the is Ed Hardy, and the last images is an ad from Banana Republic. They are arranged in specific order according to the company with the least expensive and casual clothes (H & M) to the more expensive and formal (Banana Republic), which can be seen through each company’s advertisement. Another classification attribute would be the composition of the images. Within each image there seems to be a horizontal linear quality that is formed though the spatial placement of the figures. The subjects within the images are all placed next to each other forming a repetitive element, which carries through to the next image. Collectively, all the subjects within the images appeal to a certain demographic of younger people contributing to the advertisement aspect of the images. The images include both genders female and male reaching out to a wider demographic for the clothing companies.
hm-divided-fall-2010-ad-05 copy.jpg
Last edited by amirzaian on Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by jliu » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:52 pm






Kissing the Ground.
These five images are all related in a way that has to do with the camera angle. Notice that in all these pictures, the camera is shooting from the ground up, creating a dynamic view point. I found that low camera angles are very common in photographs, it often times evoke a feeling of being in awe of the subject because of how the angle makes the subject bigger than it actually is. It's almost like an exaggeration. The audience is being shrunk and they see the world through a smaller or shorter perspective.
These photographs can also be classified through their linkage from one photograph to the next. The first picture shows a group of athletes jumping over hurdles and from the camera angle, you can see the track ground in the image. From that ground information you can link it to the second photograph where it shows a road that is depicted to be so close to the camera because the photographer took it by placing it on the ground. Then from that, I linked it to how the photograph of the buildings with the camera angle now pointing up because the opposite of down is up. In the building photograph, the camera angle also made the buildings look slanted (the part or the bulding looks higher on the right side of the photograph) by tilting the camera. So I related that image to the two men standing next to each other. This time, the camera crops out part of a man in a specific angle and by how he's standing, the man on the right looks taller than the man on the left. Thus, relating to the building picture. The last picture relates to the picture of the two men because of its monochrome colors the car and its environment has a very greyish color scheme and the second to last picture is black and white and they both show very light greys in the faces and in the sky.
Last edited by jliu on Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by klmurphy » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:59 pm

These images all can be related and classified in the same grouping based off of certain elements they all possess. All of these images are of women with tousled hair, seductive smile-less pouts, closeup head shots, and leering eye contact. Whether the image is a classic painting or a current magazine cover we see that the image of a seductive female is present throughout both advertising, as well as image-making in general.

In relation to the colors used in each of these images we see a direct correlation between the amount of text, and color, in balance with the level of sultriness.
For example; In the first image, Gisele Bunchen is protrayed with the four characteristics listed above, although she is in a sepia tone photograph. The text is in color and she is toned down with the abscence of color.
In the next image we also see text in front of this image of Madonna. Not only does this image have text, but it is white washed and brightened as to not scream at the viewer.
If those two images were in true r-g-b color form they would come off as promiscuous and in your face, although with rearranging the balance between the model and the text their is a mid point where the image becomes somewhat seductively classy.
In the third image, we see a microcosm of Gustav Klimt's Sea Serpents. In this image we realize that this look of the woman is common throughout all forms of image-making, including painting. Again the balance of real life and an image is played with. The form of the woman here is obviously not a photographic image and therefore is painterly and elusive. The colors here are not primary, and yet also somewhat gracefully subdued. The diference in this image in comparison to it two predecessors is that it lacks text. This is where the balancing takes place, the addition of colors and the lack of text...
In the fourth image we see a classic picture of Grace Kelly. Black and white, text-less, yet here props are added into the photo. The fur she is leaning on brings up the level of promiscuity, yet the fact that it is in black and white simplifies the image so much so that it does not pop out at a passerby.
In the final image, we see the use of pop-art by Lichtenstein. Here the woman depicted is not a model but a fictional cartoon-like character. There is a small use of text to ground the image, while a pop of blue to add to the intrigue.
All these images play off each other and the simplicity of a single look in a models eye to the color range used in each. We are clearly shown that the woman has been portrayed in a sexual manner throughout time and throughout mediums and that we can classify and relate many to each other based off of significant yet easily overlooked attributes.
images.jpg (10.26 KiB) Viewed 22017 times
madonna vogue images.jpg
madonna vogue images.jpg (11.13 KiB) Viewed 22017 times

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by klmurphy » Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:01 pm

grace kelly images-9.jpg
grace kelly images-9.jpg (5.65 KiB) Viewed 22017 times
lictenstein 61ZGbKU7JJL.jpg

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by BritRollins » Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:13 pm

Ever wondered why blue jeans and a white shirt is such a timeless combination?
art 130.jpg
For thanksgiving break my family always attempts to tackle the daunting task of taking our yearly family photo. Half the battle these past few years seems to be what to wear. My mother is insistent on not being like the typical family where everyone wears a nice white shirt and blue jeans. Last year we fought for hours over having to wear sweaters and scarves in 90 degree weather, and this year it was the six different types of plaid. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with being like every other family and sticking to what works. For my classification project I started by getting ideas from a pretty popular site, awkward family photos. One thing led to another and I ended up looking at classic images that contained the popular color scheme of a white top and blue bottom (or something close to that). As you can see with my twelve images, they all are pretty well known topics. For example, the sky, the beach, a family photo, a classic car, an image from Tom Cruise’s popular costume in Risky Business, Dorothy’s popular dress, and even a ball game. Although they follow this pattern loosely, I included more than the necessary five so that there would be more of an impact if they strayed a little from category (like Tom Cruise’s missing blue bottoms, although there is a hint of blue in the walls). These images are more than just connected through colors. They each have a classic feeling to them separate from the coincidence that they all incorporate a white top party with a blue bottom area. Again, the images’ classifications are that they follow the classic color scheme of a white top and blue bottom, and they are timeless photos (the beach, families, classic cars, and popular movies).
Last edited by BritRollins on Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by rzant » Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:42 pm

Each image within this group is related to the others in a variety of ways. (1) Primarily, one can see the superficial aspect which unites the photos: they are all black and white. (2) In terms of formal qualities and composition, the photos are similar in that they all have a strong horizontal element running through them. When viewed side by side, it is evident that the group of images is united by the directional forces that imply horizontality. (3) In terms of subject matter, the images are united because they all contain or reference famous men who have made a significant impact in their respective fields of work. A poster depicting Lou Reed appears in the first photo, artwork by Andy Warhol in the second, a deceased Mao Zedong in the third, a dying Che Guevara in the fourth, Jean-Paul Sartre in the fifth, and Charles Bukowski in the sixth. Also along the lines of subject matter, the photos are linked in that they all depict observers. Each photo shows a group of people focusing their attention on the subject of the photo, which happens to be famous men themselves, the work they have created, or a poster depicting them. (4) However, I believe that the principal link that ties these men (and, consequently, the images) together, is the concept of the 'six degrees of separation'. This idea holds that any individual on Earth is a mere six steps away from any other given person. So, in terms of these six men: Lou Reed was taken in by Andy Warhol, who acted as his mentor; Andy Warhol painted a portrait of Mao Zedong; Mao Zedong met Che Guevara in November 1960; Che Guevara had a discussion with Jean-Paul Sartre in March of 1960; Jean-Paul Sartre described Bukowski as "America's greatest poet". Thus, this chain of connections (loosely) links Lou Reed and Charles Bukowski.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/robbiezant ... 116240471/
Last edited by rzant on Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Classification Project

Post by Manie06 » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:52 am

Project II Classification-Synesthesia-Savants and Neurons

What is synesthesia? When senses collide
http://science.discovery.com/videos/whe ... igins.html

Seeing taste/Seeing music

Seeing Numbers-Savants

Human Camera

Human Ipod
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kwjDLHX ... re=related

Short Film/Art

The sequence represented here is classified in an associative manner all having to do with the processing of information in the human brain, perception, synesthesia, autism, and savantism. In addition to the associative manner the sequence of images are also paired by composition and content. I chose these images because of a drawing that was given to me four years ago by an autistic child. Four years ago I was employed in Ability First, which is a center for children with mental disabilities ranging from Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, to autism. When I was employed there I had a One-on-one which is a child that is so severely affected by his condition that he or she needs an individual person to be with him at all times, to help him, to interact with him or sometimes just to watch over him. My one on one was Jacob, a 7 year old with autism and he loved coloring, music, numbers, and patterns.
In the 7X2 images above I hope to have represented the processing of different information as it enters the brain and its result there after. I also provided links to videos for more information, greater detail and better understanding. The first image is an abstract of Einstein paired with an Elk (character from lord of the rings movie) and is supposed to represent perception and its relativity. The composition of the first pair also adds an image of wisdom attained by age. The second image is that of a brain paired with a dead jellyfish followed by a third image that represent the 5 senses paired with a painting by Pablo Picasso. The fourth image is that of neurons paired with tree branches followed by a representation of waves, this represents the processing of information and what happens inside the brain. The fourth image is an abstract of a rainbow combined with musical notes paired with a river stained by colors followed by a brain scan paired with a live jellyfish that shows different colors of the brain for different areas. All seven images are very dark and are paired with a bright image, but they also concentrate areas of great color in variety and brightness.
Project II.jpg
Last edited by Manie06 on Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: 5.Classification Project

Post by Manie06 » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:54 am

how do i delete this?
Last edited by Manie06 on Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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