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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:11 pm
by Cissty
I'm interested in how many students are taking SAT, GRE, GMAT and when. I also want to see if the trend is affected by financial crisis (more/less people go to college, GRE vs. GMAT)

The x-axis is time line from year 2005 April to 2010 Oct (Because I think the first three months’ data is incomplete and many books checked out late 2010 haven’t been returned yet). Data is collected every month. I want to use weighted bubbles to illustrate the number of records instead of curves.


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:14 pm
by betamaz
Checkout Trends

Project Description:
The goal of my project is to design and implement a visualization technique to enable users to gain understanding of the availability of books during the quarter cycle. By gaining insight about highly impacted time periods, the user would be able to improve access and hence usage of material. My visualization approach was inspired by Charles Minard's map which shows the size of Napoleon's in relation to geography and passage of time. The data I will be looking at is checkout trends among a selection of Dewey classes.

Example scenarios:
- Impacted time periods could be the exam period and end of quarter, most likely when books are checkout and returned respectively.
- The user could be a librarian who would want to know when there is an increase in demand, which could effect in increase activity in a section of the library. A student might want to know when there is an increased chance of having a wider range of books available to use for work on a specific subject.

Example data:
- Potential ranges of Dewey data classification ranges used: Technology, Science, Art
- Investigate showing the accuracy of information based on # of Dewey versus non-Dewey in a specific range.
- Initial suggested time-line to visualize 10 week period with a scale of individual weeks.

Example sketches:
- Left column labeled "Focusing on Time periods":
Preliminary sketch shows how reducing the space for non-relevant data allows enables viewing of changes to Dewey 1 (in blue color) checkout trends which were previously indistinguishable.
- Right column labeled "Viewing Changes Over Time". An idea is to improve visualization of consecutive time periods while still showing greater detail on changes occurring during each week.