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11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:38 am
by glegrady
Please post your schedule here. It should include:

a title
a 1 paragraph description
what will be achieved by:
November 14 - Today
November 21 - Work-in-Progress presentation to class
November 28 - individual review
December 5 - Possible class visit of NY Public LIbrary Lab, individual review
December 12 - Final class PResentation

Re: 11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:43 am
by deklerk
My project schedule:

Will one line description and add title page later today.

Re: 11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:27 am
by bowea324
Libraries and Democracy: Political Research During Election Cycles
Andrew Jay Bowe

This project will look towards Seattle Public Library data during the 2007-2008 Federal and Local election cycle to determine whether or not library patrons are using library resources for the purpose of political research. To develop this project I will compare the political interest of the public from 2007-2008 with the political interest of the public from 2005-2006. I will mine data relational to the prevalent political issues, political biographies, and prominent texts during these years relational to political issues and candidates. I will conclude whether or not library patrons are using these resources more during election cycles, and whether or not the library is a main location of interest for the public in finding political resources.

November 14: Develop a groundwork for data-mining. Locate key texts, and marginalize search.
November 21 – Find data and finalize data, narrowing search and relevance.
November 28 – Develop a comprehensive analysis and summary of data findings
December 5 - Proceed to write analysis and develop infographics
December 12 – Present final project.

Re: 11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:27 am
by putzb642
NEH Grants and the US (working title)

This is intends to be a visualization about the locations of NEH grants and descriptions of the projects and be able to show which areas within the united states receive the most money and for what purpose. This is primarily a practice based project as opposed to a research object. More of an examination of the interface behind data viz.

November 14 - Continued data mining/further investigation into the grants/sketching.
November 21 - Refined sketches and rough prototypes
November 28 - Continues with design and visualization/work on adding interaction (mouse and/or CV)
December 5 - Refined working prototype
December 12 - Final for display and presentation.

Re: 11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:56 pm
by lazad518

A visual illustration of the work force breakdown in two economic world leaders.

what will be achieved by:
November 14
November 21 - First assessment of data comparison, present and get feedback.
November 28 - Second assessment of data comparison, with first iteration of visualization.
December 5 - Second visualization of data comparison - get final feedback.
December 12 - Final class Presentation - final iteration.

Re: 11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:00 pm
by keats047
Ward Shelley vs Visual Complexity - The Organic and The Pragmatic
Stephen Keating
What determines a beautiful visualization? Who gets to make these distinctions? In attempting to explore the beauty of information visualized, I will explore two contrasting visions. One view will explore a pragmatic, defined vision, the other will explore an organic, real to life-as-they-know-it consideration of how to look at the data, the "stuff" that defines our lives. This research will attempt to explore and define the different approaches to beautiful information, constrained by an analysis of, contrasted with Ward Shelley, and the ways in which they clash when content does not necessarily yield beautiful results. Exploring the richness of data is exploring the simplicity of that data, and uncovering how to represent the simple truths lying dormant within the information requires an equally rich examination of how we represent that data.

November 14: Refine and define project.
November 21 – Find relevant information, research and visualizations and begin to form a consideration of what defines a data-ist "beauty."
November 28 – Analyze images and research approaches to defining data visualizations
December 5 - Write paper, 6-10 pages (without images), include images for analysis.
December 12 – Present final research.

Re: 11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:48 pm
by alessandrarosecampos

November 14: Refine aspects of Cultural Analytics that I will focus on in my research
November 21: Identify papers and proposals to supplement Manovich’s “Cultural Analytics” proposal
November 28: Further refine area of focus: Will I focus mostly on issues of internet privacy and surveillance along with corporate agenda? Will I focus on how Manovich’s approach influences the way future humanities research will engage with data mining and visual analytics? Will I focus on the technological barriers to realizing Manovich’s proposal? How does data mining specifically fit into these issues?
December 5: Have decided which area to focus on and chosen research that reflects this. Will decide how much of the other areas to include in my research paper, if any.
December 12: Will have completed research paper and will be ready to present my findings to the class.

Title and description:

Cultural Analytics: Technology, Surveillance, and the Future of Data Mining in the Humanities (working title)

In the fall of 2007, Lev Manovich drafted a proposal for what he terms “cultural analytics.” This proposal was sent to the calit2 institute, which is one of the four institutes commissioned by University of California in order to support California’s place as a leader of global technological innovation. The institute, which has labs across UC campuses, aims to utilize cross-disciplinary research in order to meet its innovative goals. Manovich’s proposal was implemented as the Software Studies Initiative at UCSD in 2008. Cultural analytics speaks to the goals of calit2 in its usage of visual analytics, utilized in the sciences, and the blending of innovative technology such as petascale computing with the theoretical goals of humanities research. However, Manovich’s research goals do bring up a host of issues both in terms of the availability of the technological tools he seeks to utilize and the theoretical questions he expects to raise. For example, as of the beginning of 2011 there were only five computers globally capable of petascale performance. Manovich additionally relies heavily on both corporate and individual compliance in having their data mined, analyzed, and visualized by Manovich and his team. While Manovich seeks to create “rich” data visualizations through which the user can probe the visualization in order to generate further data, this interaction may not lead to novel information. For example, Sony has shown interest in visual analytics, and this is likely in part due to the fact that Manovich provides examples of his cultural “earthquakes” (adopting the geographical language of California) that speak to such a corporation—an earthquake might represent the launch of a new popular product. In this case, a user wishing to explore the data further will most likely always be directed back to a host site (for example, Beyond practical inhibitors of Manovich’s proposal, theoretical issues such as surveillance and privacy (for example, Mark Andrejevic’s idea of the “digital enclosure” and government proposals such as the trade agreement ACTA and the SOPA bill), cross-cultural difference, corporate ownership of knowledge and ideas, as well as future directions of humanities research into data mining and visual analytics should be considered when looking at Manovich’s “culture as data” approach to web media.

Re: 11.14 Post your Project Schedule here

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:29 am
by beth.c.carlson
Language Visualizations (working title)

I plan to visualize different language data sets (SMS, twitter, etc) in order to draw conclusions about how different technologies affect the language we use.

November 14 - 3-4 years of SMSs downloaded from iphone, visualized using Many Eyes.
November 21 - find twitter data sets and visualize
November 28 - compare visualizations, begin to draw conclusions
December 5 - conclusion paper
December 12 - present

delete me

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:55 pm
by willm553
delete me


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:37 pm
by matthew
Description: This project explores the financial crisis and how it
impacted people's use of the Seattle public library between 2005 and
2010. In particular, the data visualization explores personal law
guides that address bankruptcy.

Nov 14 - Timeline
Nov 21- Illustrator Mockup & mySQL > variables > array > processing
Nov 28 - Processing > Draw
Dec 5 - Improved Draw, Test animation or interaction
Dec 12 - Complete Beta