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w10 - Final Project

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:47 pm
by glegrady
Please post your final project here. Give a brief description of what the project is, and then include Photoshop files. If your project is in After Effects, post a video to youtube, or vimeo, and give the link here. Also, attach the aep file, so that we can see how the content was assembled. If its too large, you may need to take out the images or sounds, and just post the aep. IF you are doing software, post the code as an attachment.

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:25 am
by hnavery
For my project I took screenshots of satellite images using Google maps. I started at the Bronx Zoo in NY and zoomed out as far as possible and then zoomed back in, focusing on the San Francisco Zoo. I modified the opacity and duration of each layer in order to create a video that I hope accomplishes a sense of cohesiveness. I also changed the video to grayscale and made the blacks have a blue tint and the whites a green tint. I modified the brightness and contrast of all the layers using levels. I also added a slightly blurred version of the video. I attempted to add other effects such as noise but the changing of layers created a movement with the noise that I found to be very distracting.

With blur:

Without blur:

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:19 pm
by justinma1976
I created a content-driven work in Adobe After Effects using an audio clip from an interview with Bruce Lee.

The audio was stripped from a youtube video of the interview.
The words were synchronized by hand using position/opacity/scale/velocity. (Some of the timing isn't exactly where it should be.)
The reverberation effect was made from randomly placed "position" keyframes.
The techniques are more tedious than difficult to learn.

This type of work is called Kinetic Typography.

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:54 pm
by michaeldjohnson
I took photos from WWII, 9/11, planes crashes, embassy bombings, and other scenes of destruction. These photos were layered, and mixed using various layer blending options in photoshops. Then various levels of blur and noise were applied. Finally the photos were flattened and final adjustments (contrast, exposure, etc.) were made.

photoshop files here: ... lder/2.psd ... lder/3.psd ... lder/5.psd ... lder/6.psd

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:55 pm
by rjliang
For this project, I compressed and added noise to a photograph I took. I repeated these actions to the same photograph until the information within the photograph became unrecognizable. In the video, however, I reversed the order of the photographs to first show a neutral, gray image gradually leading up to the actual photograph (and, from there, had it change back into a neutral, gray image).

Alex Givens - Final Project

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:41 pm
by givens
Today, networks ensure that the information in computer systems will last along periods of time, but what about the physical hardware? A well-known peril for any technology is liquid – thus for my piece I submerged my images in a watery graveyard. The rippling pool is only tangible from a surface level, with underlying images reflecting the still features of natural underwater formations.
The images were processed in black and white, with a deepened emphasis on the black areas. The images were then brushed with a vignetting and overlaid with subtle ripple textures (get the brush pack Subtle blue layers were also overlaid on the keyboard piece.
The encompassing program was created in Processing, and relies only on a beautiful simple algorithm for image distortion (if you care to learn about the math behind a ripple, check out this article I then worked on a randomized rippling function to imitate rain drops, and an interface to maneuver through the images for the piece. The entire package was then exported as an online applet, which can be found here:

Interface: Drag the surface of the water with your cursor. Explore three different pieces of submerged technology with the left and right arrow keys.

Here is the Processing code (Note: it relies on 3 images - 1.jpg, 2.jpg, and 3.jpg - to be in the sketch's "data" folder).

Code: Select all

Program written by Alexander Givens in 2012
Code adapted from

PImage img;

//Initiate a ripple object from the class below
Ripple ripple;

// Some holder vairbale for random ripples (like raindrops!)
int randX;
int randY;

//Prep the timer variables to space out drops
boolean timer = true;
int timeSnap;

//Image counter
int s = 1;
void setup() {
  img = loadImage(str(s) +".jpg");
  size(640, 426);
  ripple = new Ripple();
  timeSnap = millis();
void draw() {
  for (int loc = 0; loc < width * height; loc++) {
    pixels[loc] = ripple.col[loc];
  if (timer == true && millis() > timeSnap + 200) {
    randX = int(random(0, img.width));
    randY = int(random(0, img.height));
    for (int j = randY - ripple.riprad; j < randY + ripple.riprad; j++) {
      for (int k = randX - ripple.riprad; k < randX + ripple.riprad; k++) {
        if (j >= 0 && j < height && k>= 0 && k < width) {
          ripple.ripplemap[ripple.oldind + (j * width) + k] += 512;
    timeSnap = millis();

//Where the ripple magic happens!
class Ripple {
  int i, a, b;
  int oldind, newind, mapind;
  short ripplemap[]; // the height map
  int col[]; // the actual pixels
  int riprad;
  int rwidth, rheight;
  int ttexture[];
  int ssize;
  Ripple() {
    // constructor
    riprad = 3;
    rwidth = width >> 1;
    rheight = height >> 1;
    ssize = width * (height + 2) * 3;
    ripplemap = new short[ssize];
    col = new int[width * height];
    ttexture = new int[width * height];
    oldind = width;
    newind = width * (height + 3);
  void newframe() {
    // update the height map and the image
    i = oldind;
    oldind = newind;
    newind = i;
    i = 0;
    mapind = oldind;
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        short data = (short)((ripplemap[mapind - width] + ripplemap[mapind + width] +
          ripplemap[mapind - 1] + ripplemap[mapind + 1]) >> 1);
        data -= ripplemap[newind + i];
        data -= data >> 5;
        if (x == 0 || y == 0){ // avoid the wraparound effect
          ripplemap[newind + i] = 0;
        } else{
          ripplemap[newind + i] = data;
        // where data = 0 then still, where data > 0 then wave
        data = (short)(1024 - data);
        // offsets
        a = ((x - rwidth) * data / 1024) + rwidth;
        b = ((y - rheight) * data / 1024) + rheight;
        //bounds check
        if (a >= width) {
          a = width - 1;
        if (a < 0) {
          a = 0;
        if (b >= height) {
          b = height-1;
        if (b < 0) {
        col[i] = img.pixels[a + (b * width)];
void mouseDragged() {
  //Click and drag to make even more ripples
  for (int j = mouseY - ripple.riprad; j < mouseY + ripple.riprad; j++) {
    for (int k = mouseX - ripple.riprad; k < mouseX + ripple.riprad; k++) {
      if (j >= 0 && j < height && k>= 0 && k < width) {
        ripple.ripplemap[ripple.oldind + (j * width) + k] += 512;

void keyPressed() {
  //Use left and right arrow keys to maneuver the image library
  if (keyCode == 39) {
    s += 1;
    if (s > 3) {
      s = 3;
  if (keyCode == 37) {
    s -= 1;
    if (s < 1) {
      s = 1;
  img = loadImage(str(s) + ".jpg");
And here are the images used (resolution 640 px x 427 px)

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:37 pm
by sjh06282
My project was to shatter cups and have them restored. On last project, I didn't shatter the cups so I shattered it this time and made some more changes. there were only 2 cups used in the project but there are several different colors. I changed the colors on the cups for every layer I've used and also I applied some soft pixelation tool. Other than keeping some parts of the layer in color, I've made it black and white. During the process, I had to lay a newspapers on the ground to avoid any hazards during the clean up. To remove the newspapers, I used stamp tool to keep the cups but maintain the same background.

Shattering Cups
(There is noise in this video so it is best to lower the volume.)

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:57 am
by csfkul
For my project, I expanded on the spatial mapping process that we had previously did. I decided to use After Effects to depict that the mapping of an area or object is not only an artistic matter but also how we view them in our minds. I created a composition from a photoshop file. I had the images appear with an opacity and disappear, to show that our minds can only focus on so many things at once, and we must make a mental image of these things. The image is shown to come into vision towards the end to show that we somewhat understand what we see but is then scrambled and jumbled into different postions. This is to represent that not everything that we see is clear to us and can sometimes take more time to figure out.

I initially had a blur effect on the images coming into focus with the opacity, but I felt like it obstructed the images a little too much and decided to leave it out.

-- I can't seem to upload the .aep file for some reason, but I will bring it to class.

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:35 pm
by tikamoini
For my Final Project, I am manipulating a series of images on Photoshop combining a series of projects and techniques we have learned in class, such as: using layers, contrast, light and color manipulation, abstraction of visual elements, filters, blur, noise, curves, color balance, saturation, as wells other processing techniques. I will create one image in which I have purposely selected images and put them together with meaning, while using these techniques to enhance the images with the concept in vision I have in mind. My other two or three images will be an assemblage of somewhat random images where I have selected a visual rule (i.e. light, movement, focus) from which to assemble and organize the images.
Attached is the first image i have assembled using specific images to create a specific concept. I created and altered layers, filters, curves, color balance, hue, saturation, contrast, and noise.

Re: w10 - Final Project

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:46 pm
by catherine05
For my final project, I took photos that i took in Paris and various places in Italy and combined them. I used photoshop to combine the photos into layers, than played with different lighting and photo effects. Four of the photos are landscapes and the last photo is of various standing statues.