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11.05 Kosik Genomic Lab

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:08 pm
by glegrady
Kosik Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology Lab

We work on neural plasticity including the molecular basis of plasticity, the evolution of synapses, and disease-related impairments of plasticity such as occurs in Alzheimer's disease. The Kosik lab intends to create an intellectual setting conducive to the exploration of fundamental biological processes, particularly those related to the brain and its evolution. Although the approach is largely reductionist with an emphasis on genes, molecules and cells, studies in the lab also encompass systems level informatic approaches that include large genomic and transcriptional and imaging data sets. One theme in the lab is how cells acquire and lose their identities. A specialized case of altered cellular identity is synaptic plasticity. The lab is interested in the underlying molecular basis of plasticity, particularly how protein translation at the synapse affects learning and how impairments of plasticity lead to neurodegenerative diseases. Behind all the lab projects stands the overarching principle succinctly stated by Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution."

Re: 11.05 Kosik Genomic Lab

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:50 pm
by sterlingcrispin
Molecular and Cellular biology and neuroscience research
Cell Biology / Neuroscience / Bioinformation
Connectomics is the science of how the brain is wired and is a subject of his research.

He sees neuroscience a bridge to humanities. A notable part of his research involves a population in Columbia who share the same genetic mutation making them susceptible to alzheimer's. He received a latin america genetics grant, then worked with local Columbian scientists to do the research.

He mentioned "The Inner Life of the Cell" which is a Biovision project by Harvard

The lab operates with grad students who are specifically chosen to work in the lab. Its a multiple stage discovery without 'eureka' moments.

a) How do you gather data - in collaboration with Columbian scientists, DNA samples are taken in the field

b) What kind of technology is used - Ionstorm DNA sequencers, microscopes, centrifuges,

c) Does the research make you design new technology - available sequencing technology is used

d) How is your data analyzed exome sequencing

e) How do you make assumptions based on the analysis - comparing data with control data and looking for association between disease symptoms and genetic data

f) How does the analysis result in discovery - by finding specific and demonstrable associations between specific genes and gene behaviors and diseases

g) How do you represent the results - research publications and video explanations on youtube

Re: 11.05 Kosik Genomic Lab

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:40 pm
by sterlingcrispin
attached are photos from the lab visit