Proj 3: Research Presentation

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Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by glegrady » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:14 pm

Proj 3: Research Presentation: Artist & Engineering

The purpose of this assignment is to give you some guidance for your final course project from both arts and engineering approaches. Your presentation will be on April 26, 2016 and will consist of 5 minutes on an artist's work, and 5 minutes on an engineering paper. You can give your presentation by discussing and showing links, videos, etc. on the internet, or you can put a PowerPoint presentation together. Please post your research material as you would any assignment.

The artist should be selected from the course syllabus: ... pr265.html

The engineering paper to be selected from Google Scholar or the online university library article index, for instance go to ... /databases Select "Computer Science and Engineering" in the "Find a Resource by Subject" section, then go to IEEE Xplore or ACM Digital Library and try search words such as "Kinect" "Depth Sensing" "Motion Sensing", etc. ... %20sensing to find something of relevance to you.

Present your two choices to me as soon as you have found something you want to show, so that I can give give you the "Go -ahead".
George Legrady

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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by changhe » Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:21 pm

Research Presentation


I find that Golan Levin's art and work interest me a lot.
Here is his main webpage.
I think I'll be presenting some of his works in class, such as: Interstitial Fragment Processor, Eyecode, Re:FACE, Anchorage Version, Augmented Hand Series, Rectified Flowers


I'm interested in gesture control interface which is a new human computer interaction but haven't yet been widely used in people's everyday life. So I found the paper below and want introduce it in class.

"A generic framework for the design of visual-based gesture control interface" from Wen-Hui Chen, Institute of Automation Technology, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, Yu-Hong Lin ; Shun-Jie Yang
Here is the link to this paper: ... er=5514676
Research Presentation.pdf
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Last edited by changhe on Wed May 11, 2016 5:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by zhenyuyang » Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:50 pm

Zhenyu Yang

[Artist] Raffaello D’Andrea
Raffaello = artist + engineer

[Engineering paper] Automatic Multiple Kinect Cameras Setting for Simple Walking Posture Analysis, Suttipong Kaenchan, Pornchai Mongkolnam, Bunthit Watanapa, and Sasipa Sathienpong
This paper shows how to calibrate a system with multiple Kinect cameras and proposes a method to analyze walking posture.
Last edited by zhenyuyang on Thu May 12, 2016 2:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by jing_yan » Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:15 am

: : Jing Yan

图片 1.png
Scott Snibbe appeals to me due to his very beautiful and conceptual art pieces, his productivity and cross-cutting. He has a background in film and animation, and he began his career as early developer in Adobe’s After Effect.

He is an interactive media artist who believes in the interdependence between beings and their environments both physically and mentally. Thus, all his works are trying to portray that relation and encourage the interaction between artwork and participant and between participants.

BOUNDARY FUNCTIONS (1998) ... functions/
The work begins when there are two people on the floor. It starts to divide the individual spaces by drawing a crossing line. When there are more participants, there are more lines and each person has his corresponding territory. We usually think of personal space as something that belongs entirely to ourselves. However, Boundary Functions shows us that personal space exists only in relation to others and changes without our control.

As to the artistic practice, Scott Snibbe states that his work is based on the combination of minimalism and phenomenology. His working process is subtractive: removing elements until only those essential to convey a work’s meaning remain. Under the principle of phenomenology, he expects the audience to construct the meaning of his works not through analytical processes, but through their physical awareness. That is to say, he eliminates the representation of meanings and strengthen the unmediated perception.

CAUSE AND EFFECT (2004) ... andeffect/
Cause and Effect records viewers’ movements in silhouette as they simultaneously displace the recordings of previous viewers. It is very neat. And it somehow reminds me of the minimalist music which starts with basic elements, then continuously repeats that basic melody with minor changes.
Also, "Cause and effect" is a translation for the Buddhist term Karma, which dictates that all human experiences, however minute, are the result of their own prior actions. Scott is also a Buddhist. A lot of his works convey these very beautiful conceptions.

Besides being an artist, Scott Snibbe builds applications. He exposes his art works to larger general public by transforming them into mobile applications. For example, the Biophilia is multimedia exploration of music, nature and technology. The Bubble Harp records and replays your movements while creating music based on the animated forms.


Also, he collaborates with musicians and filmmakers, including Philip Glass, Beck, and James Cameron. He has made an app called rework_ to remix Philip Glass’s music.

Freeform spatial modelling using depth-sensing camera ... _2016_Year

Main purpose of this paper is to propose a 3D direct interaction modelling system for manipulating voxel based objects using motion sensing device such as Microsoft Kinect. It intends to imitate natural human modeling behavior and provide a real life experience of 3D object manipulation.

The properties of functional prototype application are presented and discussed; algorithm related to depth segmentation, contour detection, finger recognition and virtual contour with gesture are included.

Most of the everyday interaction methods are indirect control. That means user manipulates with the controller such as mouse, instead of direct manipulation. Although nowadays touchscreen surfaces are widely used, yet as the controllers are in 2D form, the interaction of manipulating objects in the 3D world is very limited.

Kinect enables a full 3D range of movement without constrains and allow users to interact with the virtual world in a natural way with free hands.

Related Work
The research is focusing on the combination of computer modeling and motion gesture interface.

Cho, S., Heo, Y., & Bang, H. (2012, August). Turn: a virtual pottery by real spinning wheel. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters (p. 11). ACM.
limited by spinning-wheel model

Dave, D., Chowriappa, A., & Kesavadas, T. (2013). Gesture interface for 3d cad modeling using kinect. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 10(4), 663-669.
limited by control tools already present in standard CAD

Oliver Kreylos' Homepage, Wiimote Hacking. ... index.html
not build on Kinect, utilize the benefits of motion controller

Proposed Solution
3 Basic components of the proposed solution: representation of the virtual clay, the finger recognition system, and the visualization and interaction framework.

The representation of the virtual clay is done using the marching cube algorithm to render the volumetric model. Instead of doing GPU acceleration, they use shaders. By doing multiple shader passes, they intend to moving as much computations as possible from geometry shader to vertex shader.
The finger recognition system has two parts. It uses Kinect API to find the hand position first and then detect fingers. They extract image around the detected points which is segmented by depth and hand contours. Then they use K-curvature algorithm to detect finger tips, and finally convert this to the Kinect projection space coordinate.
The visualization and interaction framework is to connect the former two. Users are allowed to change the view of object and add or deleter clay with their gesture.

The scalability and compatibility of the prototype is tested. The performance speed is GPU bounded.
And there is also a problem related to Kinect detection range and its low temporal and spatial resolution. The best position for the program is 1.2m; too close or too far away will result failure in hand detection or finger detection. The detection won’t be satisfied, if the hand is moving too fast as well.

Future Work
The future works contains changing the controller, adding a virtual view responding to user’s head view, using a virtual headset such as Oculus Rift, eliminating the redundant vertices created by the marching cubes algorithm, and partial dynamic model loading.
Last edited by jing_yan on Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by junxiangyao » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:06 am

Daniel Rozin has a series of mirror related art works which built a connection between concrete figures and abstract arts.
What he did was using real objects as pixels to display the image captured by camera in real time, like an artistic mirror.
Penguins Mirror:
Pom Pom Mirror:
Wooden Mirror:

Engineering Paper
Hand Gesture Recognition Using Kinect ... earch=true

A. Hand Detection
A1. Separating hands from the background.
A2. Computing convex hulls of hands.
B. Finger Identification
B1. Contour Tracing.
B2. Calculating the center of the palm.
B3. Three-point Alignment Algorithm.
B4. Finger Identification Algorithm.
C. Gesture Recognition
C1.  Finger counting.
C2.  Finger name collecting.
C3. Vector matching.

K-mean clustering
Graham Scan
Moore Neighborhood
Last edited by junxiangyao on Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by ihwang » Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:42 pm

ART + COM is German based art project company, which was established by two people, Joachim Sauter whose background art, design and media, the other member is Andreas Wiek. This group started their project since 1988 in the University of the Arts Berlin, their primary interest was to create art work with computer.


They became famous from this project in Ars Electronica in 1992. Using eye tracking technology, which was quiet advanced skill at that time, they presented digital image that response and distort itself based on the audience's eye movement.

Their area of interesting is wide, 16 years after, the team presented Kinect Sculpture in 2008 in the new BMW Museum in Munich. 714 stainless spheres are creating visible space based on their location on the space by pulling and dropping thin wire holding spheres. The metal spheres sequentially move up and down to change their positions, however, the aesthetic of this artwork comes from the unity of performance. The team was able to create extremely elegant moment and coordination. This is the result of tones of experiments based on perfect mechanical and electronic controlling system design.

This was not definitely done by one or two artists, the ART+COM AG team and most famous artist team run their project as a formal company. As of 2013, there were 80 employees in the group. As seen at the picture below, they used same numbers of stepper motors.

Research Project

Rapid Characterization of Vegetation Structure with a Microsoft Kinect Sensor

George Azzari 1,*, Michael L. Goulden 1 and Radu B. Rusu 2

1 Department of Earth System Science, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA
2 Open Perception, Inc., 68 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

Sensors, Volume 13, Issue 2 (February 2013)

1. It is important to measure the plant structure and biomass, however it is not easy task since the complexity of structure, variety of species, and different observation conditions.

2. Current device mostly used in plant scanning is Lidar system( which measures distance based on the speed of laser travels to the aimed object. However, the current system is inexpensive, the research team tried to introduce an alternative way.

3. Kinect works different way that Lidar works. Basically, this device shoot grid on the object and draw vector points, from these points the distance is calculated by trigonometrical function.

4. The research team used Kinect and OPEN NI grabber library. The objective were Pychris Echioide and Cynara Cardunculus.
5. To achieve the goal of this research, they compared their data with manual measurement. They were able to get plant diameter and height data. Convex hull and solid volume and Dry biomass.
6. Using Kinect for plant scanning had undeniable limitation such as, detecting range, and unsuitability of daytime detection.
7. The team found some possibility of "easy-to-use" apparatus for measurement, I also think this approach is the ideal way to collect countless plants data.


Last edited by ihwang on Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:25 am, edited 33 times in total.

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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by davidaleman » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:55 pm


Jeffrey Shaw

Jeffrey Shaw is a very interesting artist. He creates a lot of interactive projects. His older stuff required actual physical objects like his project called "Glove Screen" and now his recent works involve digital media and interactivity. Although he does not work with depth/motion sensing he does use virtual reality and other immersive experience methods for his projects.

Research Paper:

A realistic Augmented Reality Racing Game using a Depth-Sensing Camera

This paper discusses the use of the kinect camera to augment reality. The kinect OpenNI and other libraries are used together to detect objects, and surfaces to create obstacles and a track for a car that is designed in the game.
Presentation Slides
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Augmented Reality Racing Game.pdf
Engineering Paper
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Last edited by davidaleman on Mon May 16, 2016 2:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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The Motion of Art in Time --- Xindi Kang

Post by xindi » Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:11 am

A Brief Research on Kinetic Art Theory and History

The presentation is mainly focused on kinetic art theory. I will briefly talk about the history at the end since I don't have enough time.
For content please see in presentation:
Motion of Art Presentation (Shorter)
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For the Research papers used in process see below:
Tangible Motion Sculpture.pdf
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some Art Pieces Motioned:
Original Ideas for the presentation:
history of kinetic art
.an abstract dance
.Van Gogh Starry Night using lines to express motion VS now using actual movement
.abstraction of movement, where realistic movement are: dance, mechanics, abstract movements are: kinetic scluptures.
.Medieval paintings using egg white VS now programming technology
.starting from “candle lights”
.Development of new medium will blur and revolutionize the definition of a sculpture.
inspired by:
the importance of Inspiration: it is the motivation of all fields, even for engineering and other sciences.

P.s. sometimes I kinda just hate abstraction, or even art in general because you get sucked into it so much that you detach from reality. But it is sort of the same in every field. Everything always trace back to an abstract concept, and only this abstract concept leads you to further exploration of the subject itself, making it flourish into the future.

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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by qiu0717 » Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:14 pm

Art part:

Very Nervous System
David Rokeby

Very nervous system is an interactive sound installation. It is the third generation of his first work, Reflexions, which makes sound based on user movements.

Very Nervous System:

Key elements:
1. Invisible interface
2. Complex but quick feedback loop
3. User gets into a state of shamanistic

Extremely Involved Experience:
15-minute afterimage
The interface is unusual because it is invisible and very diffuse, occupying a large volume of space, whereas most interfaces are focussed and definite.
The diffuse, parallel nature of the interaction and the intensity of the interactive feedback loop can produce a state that is almost shamanistic. The self expands (and loses itself) to fill the installation environment, and by implication the world. After 15 minutes in the installation people often feel an afterimage of the experience, feeling directly involved in the random actions of the street.

Technology Part:

PapARt: interactive 3D graphics and multi-touch augmented paper for artistic creation
Jeremy Laviole, Martin Hachet

PapART is a system that allows users to visualize, manipulate and edit a 3D scene projected onto a paper sheet. Using multitouch and tangible interfaces, users can directly interact with the 3D scene to prepare their drawings.

Pen-and-paper Creation
Computer Graphics Tools
To integrate the computer graphics tools with physical pen-and-paper creation to eliminate the requirements of drawing expertise.



Move paper left and right: adjust the projection intensity
Multitouch: scale, translate and zoom
Finger pointing: change the light source
屏幕快照 2016-04-26 下午1.26.07.png

Hardware installation:

Projecter: image display
Camera: marker recognition and projecting area locating
Kinect: gesture recognition
Marker: mark out the drawing paper's position or menus's position
Hardware Installation
Original Paper:
PapARt paper
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Re: Proj 3: Research Presentation

Post by lliu » Fri May 20, 2016 1:57 pm

ABOUT C A V E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L U L I U spring M 265 2016

PART 1. A r t _ W o r k

Jeffrey Shaw

2012 Hong Kong, China
Coauthor: Sarah Kenderdine, Cédric Maridet (sound)
Software: Leith Chan; Hardware: Huib Nelissen
Video: ... -land-360/

How it works:
The audience use the handler as a small LED flashlight (like a virtual torch) to illuminate the painting. And the audience will wear the virtual magnifying glass, that lets the audience zoom in and view the paintings in ultra high resolution through 3D lens. Also, they can be enlarged to full screen height.
Aesthetic design:
They used the high resolution photography and laser-scanl to reframe and reconstitute the paintings and sculptures as 3D models that float out of the screen.Also including: Animation, Recoloring, Sound Design, Live Performance.
CAVE System:
CAVE system is short for Cave Automatic virtual environment
CAVE is typically a video theater sited within a larger room. It provides an immersive embodied visual experience to audience. The walls of a CAVE are typically made up of rear-projection screens.

PART 2. T e c h n i c a l _ P a p a r

Study of geometric dispatching of four-kinect tracking module inside a Cave
S Salous, T Ridene, J Newton, S Chendeb

Using multikinects has relatively high coverage space and lower cost compared to the other tracking systems . However, they had to deal with some common problems by using multikinects such as interferences between kinects. This paper proposed a study of geometric dispatching of four kinects inside a cave as a tracking module.

Main Points:
1.Using Four kinects inside a cave as a tracking module
2.Some kinects can be temporarily disabled if there is no one in their FOV
3.Defining the overlapping areas between the kinects
URL: ... s_etal.pdf

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