Final Project Proposal

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Final Project Proposal

Post by rluo » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:00 am

The proposal should:

- frame the concept based on the three core questions: 1) How should the cameras move? (2) Where should the cameras look, at what? and (3) How to present the visual information the cameras collect?

- use one physical robot introduced in the class or multiple virtual robots in Unity.

- state the objectives, ideas, and methodology of the project.

- discuss the project’s significance and originality with reference to current arts practice.

- include technical challenges and possible solutions.

- list references.

- be 2 single-spaced pages, encouraging to have conceptual images.

- be posted no later than May 8th.

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Re: Final Project Proposal

Post by christinalast » Mon May 07, 2018 2:07 pm

Human-Robot real world play:

Many similarities of the hide-and-seek game can be found in the interactions between humans, or robots and humans, in urban spaces, similar to looking for a person in a crowded urban environment (Goldhoorn et al. 2014). It is suggested that the game of hide-and-seek is an ideal domain for studying cognitive functions in robots and it is a basic mechanism for human robot interaction in mobile robotics, because hide-and-seek requires the robot to navigate, search, interact on, and predict actions of the opponent (Johansson and Balkenius 2005). In this project, we develop a hide and seek game (the seeker is the robot and the hider is the person or object) to investigate how the robot navigates, interacts on, and predicts action of the opponent. The project implements machine learning techniques such as reinforcement learning, which rewards to robot everytime it successfully finds a hider. This information is used to train the robot to find a hider, based on purely visual inputs. Through the artistic novelty of human-robot playing we explore the real-world implications in supporting human disaster response teams. For example, one of the many practical applications of this experiment is to find persons; as hide-and-seek could be seen as a simplification of search-and-rescue.
Last_Christina_Gilmore_Ariella_Project_thumbnai;.jpg (204.52 KiB) Viewed 8236 times
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Re: Final Project Proposal

Post by robert.gnzalez » Mon May 07, 2018 10:23 pm

A segment of Robotic Vision emulates processes that occur in the human brain. Creating and programing networks we are able to teach robots to identify simple shapes to more complex figures and see. Our neural networks are one of the most complex systems that we know of and our perception of reality is informed through what we see and experience everyday. Naturally inclined to see patterns in everyday the human mind warps reality to make sense of an abundance of stimuli. Processing during sleep, the mind dreams and conjures surreal images of constructs of everyday.
We propose to run grant the robot the ability to not only navigate its environment but create its own interpretation of the visual information it is experiencing. Letting it run and then Dream. Finalizing its day (loop) by communicating its vision by displaying it in an interesting way before it goes and loops again.
We plan to achieve this visualization using DeepDream. DD is a computer vision program which uses a convolutional neural network to find and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia.
We intend to explore a rudimentary process of visual processing and interpretation similar to the type of processing humans do which similar to DeepDream are informed through our experiences and learned information.
DreamCatcher Proposal 1.pdf
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Re: Final Project Proposal

Post by knnewman800 » Tue May 08, 2018 12:25 am

Scavenger Hunt: Complex Robot Vision and Machine Learning
Kara Newman and Marjoree Fargas
Our final project will focus on a scavenger hunt for our robot. We plan to use deep learning to teach the robot to recognize complex objects. The robot will start in one point with a fixed camera position and stop to scan around to room to look for objects every five seconds. If the robot recognizes an object, it will move towards it and take a picture to “collect” it as a completed task on the scavenger hunt. In order to complete the hunt, the robot must be able to recognize each object from different angles as it moves around the room. The robot will search for these objects from a list provided. As the robot finds each of these objects, it will make a sound and move onto the next object on the list after sending the image to our computer. After each picture is taken, it will be visualized on a display that will annotate it as “check” off of its scavenger hunt “notebook”. Upon recognizing all of the objects, the robot will do a dance to indicate it has completed its task.
To complete this project, we will be utilizing deep learning, robotic vision, and data collection tools using the Raspberry Pi. We thought this project would be an interesting and unique way to apply our knowledge of robots from the course into an innovative project that combines robotic vision and machine learning. It questions the way robots think and learn in a creative and interesting way. We hope to anthropomorphize the robot by giving it human-like qualities and making it perform tasks like a person would.
The impact complex image detection has on the art community is growing exponentially through the use of machine learning. In a Mashable article produced in March 2018, Rachel Kraus discusses Google’s application of machine learning within the art community through its new app called Arts and Culture that matches selfies to existing works of art. Google searches for similarities between an individual’s face and pieces of art from a large database. Similarly, we will be conducting a Scavenger Hunt that will send the robot into the room looking for an object similar to images we will train it to recognize. A unique element that allows us to experiment with this is the mobility provided by the Arduino and the piCamera, allowing it to scan the room. In this way, our robot will be taking the initiative in physically seeking out these objects and collecting images of them for the purposes of a Scavenger Hunt.
Through Sarthak Jain’s article on the Medium’s website, Jain provides a basic outline for deep learning on Raspberry Pi which will serve as a guideline for our training process. Jain goes into detail on the level of patience and commitment required to train the robot. Through exploring the pyimage website, we have also found creative ideas to experiment with throughout the longevity of this process. We intend on exploring different options for how the images will appear and the manner in which they will be presented to the audience.
Another project we researched for this project was the Facebook AI Scavenger Hunt. This project utilizes reinforcement learning to get a robot to travel around a simulated home and answer complex questions such as “‘What color is the car?’ or ‘Where is the coffee table?’” as it moves. This fascinating project has tremendous relevance for the future role of AI integration into home life.
We expect there to be several challenges as we teach the robot through deep learning to recognize objects with precision. Through resources we found online regarding deep learning through raspberry pi, we will first obtain training data. The challenges may occur during the training process as it is unclear how well the robot will absorb and learn from the data. We intend on challenging the robot with simple and more complex shapes and it is unclear how well it will recognize the more complex objects. We may also encounter some issues with programming the robot to move exactly as desired. We therefore may need to set up a track or boundaries for the robot to ensure it doesn’t wander too far away from the desired targets. The robot may also experience issues with recognizing objects from multiple angles, so this is a something we will need to address in initial learning and troubleshooting.
The theme of a Scavenger Hunt implies a fun, whimsical manner in which we will be applying concepts from lab onto the robot. The innocence of our robot is maintained through its lack of knowledge and dependency often seen in children. Children exploring their surroundings for the purposes of a Scavenger Hunt allows a safe outlet for one to learn about the environment and the objects they are seeking. This will mimic the learning process experienced by a child as we will attempt to teach the robot to seek complex shapes from a predetermined scavenger hunt list. We intend on programming the robot to complete a small dance should it complete the Scavenger Hunt, as an innocent celebration of its accomplishment.

1. ... yDIe3Usiql
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3. ... me-robots/
Scavenger Hunt_ Kara and Margie.pdf
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Last edited by knnewman800 on Tue May 08, 2018 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Final Project Proposal

Post by yichenli » Tue May 08, 2018 1:02 am

Joint proposal for Wen & Adrian and Lawrence & Yichen groups: ... sp=sharing

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Re: Final Project Proposal

Post by chloehopen » Tue May 08, 2018 7:14 am

Link to project proposal for myself, Janet, and Steven is below. ... sp=sharing

presentation: ... sp=sharing
Last edited by chloehopen on Tue May 08, 2018 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Final Project Proposal

Post by yurim_lee » Tue May 08, 2018 8:07 am

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Piano Keyboard

Post by chantelchan » Tue May 08, 2018 8:41 am

Our project is to create a large piano inspired by the 1988 film “Big” that allows users to interact with the robot and prompts robot to create music
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