Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

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Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by saharss2533 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:23 pm

Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

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Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:50 am

Version 0.1

To start the project, I ask a whole bunch of questions to see where it ends up.

Q1: What’s happening in the space?
For most of the time, it's a quite and empty space.
A PTFZ (Pan, Tilt, Focus, Zoom) Camera is a good way to record the space.
However, it would be too boring of only showing a video recorded by the camera.

Q2: what are the elements to make this space different from time to time?
The answer is obvious that people are the elements.

Q3: What is the connection between Camera and People?
Image Processing Techniques: 1) Facial Recognition; 2) Pattern Recognition; 3) Color Recognition; 4) Shape Recognition.
It seems that facial recognition it the best fit for the project.

Q4: What data do we have?
(1) Images of faces
(2) 3D Locations
(3) 3D Orientations
(4) Captured Time

Q5: What are some direct connections between people?
(1) Eye Contact
(2) Hand Shaking
(3) Hug
It seems harmless to start with Eye Contact.

Initial topic of the project:
Generating Eye contact for people in different time domains/Exploring human relationship beyond time limited

(1) Precisely placing faces in virtual 3D space according to 3D positions & orientations
(2) Faces looking eye contact of each followed by a certain algorithm
(3) If (match) {
save a part of faces in the database;
project on the wall with images and texts}

Unsolved questions:
(1) when is the best time to take a pic of a face?
(2) How to deal with multi-persons situation?

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Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:03 am

Version 0.1.1

Feedback after the first presentation:

(1) Could it be more site specific?
The current proposal seems that it can work at any locations. Since it's a site specific project, how to make it more particular of the site?

(2) How to get feedback from audience?
We are talking about the eye contact, so it's very important to have some kind of feedback from the audience while they are watching. How to make the project more interactive rather than just projecting on the wall? How to create a feedback loop?

(3) How to stress out the impact of eye contact?
Eye contact between human beings is supposed to have very strong impact. When people stare at a image, they will unconsciously look at the eyes of the image if the eyes of the images look at them. Currently, this beyond-time-domain eye contact idea seems decrease the impact of eye contact.

(4) How to utilize the space more wisely and efficiently?
The space is huge, so it's very hard for the camera to cover the whole area. Should the project is designed to only focus on a certain narrow area of the space?

Wish I can find solutions for the above questions in Version 0.2

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Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:25 pm

Version 1.0

Site Specific Art Proposal: Courtyard of Kohn Hall, UC Santa Barbara
MAT 254: Arts & Engineering/Science Research

Rodger (Jieliang) Luo


This site specific art project seeks to implement a temporary art installation on campus which explores new meanings of 3D space by creating virtual 3D sculpture, which considers human beings as essential elements in 3D environment. The initial research and drafted designs have been completed on the subject of this project. And this report severs as a proposal to install an completed art project in the courtyard of the Kohn Hall at UC Santa Barbara for a period of time in the near future.


The main objectives of this art project are as follows: (1) to provide opportunity for the artist to study and think the difference between art and engineering in terms of research methodologies, (2) to utilize the courtyard of Kohn Hall at UC Santa Barbara as a primary case study to redefine the relationship between individuals and three dimensional environment.

The overreaching goal is to create and install a virtual 3D sculpture generating installation in the courtyard of Kohn Hall at UC Santa Barbara. This installation will serve to inspire our campus and community to think about people’s role in a 3D space.

Motivations for Use of Courtyard of Kohn Hall

The Kohn Hall received the American Institute of Architects’ highest honor — the Gold Medal, and is named for the institute’s founding director and Nobel Laureate, Walter Kohn. Hence, the courtyard of the Kohn Hall is a focal point of the Physics/Engineering and UC Santa Barbara’s campus as a whole. Interestingly, as a great place for scientists, the Kohn Hall contains many art pieces all over the building. (Giving some examples) However, the courtyard of the hall is still waiting to be filled with an artwork which can fit well with the environment.

Description of Art and Installation

The idea of the project is exploring and redefining the new relationship between individuals and three dimensional environment as the space encounters lots of people everyday and each individual is different to the space in terms of position or duration, but the interactions between people and environment are seldom noticed and discussed.

Basically, the installation of the project contains one or several TPFZ (Tilt-Pan-Focus-Zoom) cameras to record human activities in the space, and one or several HD LED screens to display 3D virtual sculpture generated according the data collected by the camera. An video tracking algorithm will be applied to the camera to collect data of people who enter the space. To be more specific, the data include each individual’s 3D position and orientation, walking path, and duration in the space. Since the camera can only track one person at a time, the algorithm will be designed to seek and track another person only after the first person leave the space.

In terms of the virtual 3D sculpture, the data provide many spatial forms for the sculpture, such as collapse, deconstruct, nurbs grid, spray nozzle, tetra mass, twinlso and voronoi (demos are provided below):
nurbs grid.jpg
Nurbs Grid
Spray Nozzle.jpg
Spray Nozzle
Tetra Mass.jpg
Tetra Mass

All the models will be constantly growing or morphing based on the live data captured by the camera and processed by the algorithm.



Contact Information

Rodger (Jieliang) Luo —

PS: Should I mention other artists work as reference?
Last edited by rluo on Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:57 am

Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:46 am

Here is the PDF of the proposal v1.0
Proposal V1.0.pdf
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Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:52 am


In comparison of V1.0 that the installation only have one camera and one HD screen, I'd like to setup three cameras and three HD screens to present the idea of redefining the space with the consideration of human as a essential element.

Each camera will track one particular part of visits in the hall: 1) the first camera will be searching person who is standing or seating at a certain spot for more than 10 secs, and record the XYZ positions of that person; 2) the second camera will be locating person who just walk across the hall, and record the path of that person; 3) the third camera will be capturing the cloths' colors of the person locked by the first or second camera, whichever tells the third camera first.

With three types of data (XYZ positions, path, colors), three types of generative 3D virtual sculpture will be developed and displayed separately on each HD screen.

The data of XYZ positions will work with Voronoi diagram to visualize the the concept of personal space of each individual in the same space:
The data of path will work with NURBs as it can perfectly visualize multiple paths generated by visitors:
nurbs grid.jpg
How to use the data of colors? Or any other data can be used?

Giuseppe Randazzo,
Ruairi Glynn,
Ursula Damm,
George Legrady,

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Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:49 pm

Finished Proposal is here:
Proposal V2.0.pdf
(128.37 KiB) Downloaded 557 times

Posts: 21
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Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:38 pm

Introduction of the Proposal:

This site-specific art project seeks to implement an interactive installation on campus to explore different meanings of space by creating virtual 3D sculptures, which considers human beings as essential elements. The overreaching goal is to create and install three sets of virtual 3D sculpture generating installation in the courtyard of Kohn Hall at UC Santa Barbara.

The idea of the project is exploring and redefining the relationship between individuals and three-dimensional environment as the space encounters lots of people everyday and each individual is different to the space in terms of physical locations, but the interactions between people and environment are seldom noticed and discussed.

The initial research and drafted designs have been completed on the subject of this project. And this report severs as a proposal to install a completed art project in the courtyard of the Kohn Hall at UC Santa Barbara for a period of time in the near future.

Final proposal is here:
(348.59 KiB) Downloaded 418 times
This version added some minor adjustments comparing to the last version.

Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:57 am

Re: Rodger (Jieliang) Luo’s Project

Post by rluo » Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:27 pm


The basic methodology for this art project follows by the path like this: 1) asking the most important at the current stage; 2) finding out solutions/answers for the question by research; 3) choosing one solution based on feasibilities; 4) going back to step one to ask question again. Hence, the goal of the project was vague at the beginning, but it eventually came out through a sort of self –defined process.

Below are the core steps in terms of questioning and decision making from the very start point to an accomplished art proposal:

Start Point: Making an art project for the courtyard of Kohn Hall at UC Santa Barbara

Question One: What are the requirements/limitations for the project?
Possible Answers: 1) It has to do something with physics/mathematics because the place is located in a building of theoretical physics. 2) It’s better to be interactive as many people go through the space every day.
Conclusion: Designing a physical/mathematical related interactive art project.

Question Two: What are the core elements in the space?
Possible Answers: 1) The structure of the space; 2) People using the space
Conclusion: Designing a physical/mathematical related interactive art project, which connects the structure of space and people who use the space.

Question Three: As an interactive project, what are the possible inputs and outputs?
Possible Answers: 1) Inputs: data generated by people in the space; 2) Outputs: new structure generated by the input and the space.
Conclusion: Designing a physical/mathematical related interactive art project, which uses people’s physical location as inputs and outputs a new structure based on the importing data and the space.

Question Four: What are the ideal device for the input and output?
Possible Answers: TPZ Camera as input; 3D Virtual Sculpture as output.
Conclusion: Designing a physical/mathematical related interactive art project, which uses TPZ camera to capture people’s XYZ location and displays 3D virtual sculptures on HD screens.

Question Five: How to transform the data into 3D virtual sculptures?
Possible Answers: Applying some algorithms/diagrams dealing with shapes and spaces.
Conclusion: Designing an interactive art project, which visualizes the incoming XYZ positions as 3D virtual sculptures by shape/space related algorithms/diagrams.

Question Six: Since there are many shape/space related algorithms/diagrams, how to choose?
Possible Answers: The meaning behind the algorithms/diagrams should explore the relationship between people and space.
Conclusion: Designing an interactive art project, which visualizes the incoming XYZ positions of people in the space as 3D virtual sculptures with diagram of Voronoi, Convex Hull and Iso Surface.

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