7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

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7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by glegrady » Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:12 pm

Week 8 - Marey article is now due
Final Project warmup exercise due Tuesday, November 16:

Go online to Google and type in keywords such as "mri, telescope, endoscopy, etc. and art" and find artworks that use technology in the design/conceptual/production process. Afterwards go to Steve Wilson's site, http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~infoarts/links ... inks2.html and find other interesting projects that use advanced technologies. Select 5 in total to post at the Forum here. Also take a look at the factum arte company in Madrid: http://www.factum-arte.com/eng/artistas ... efault.asp
George Legrady

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by klmurphy » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:22 pm

I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but here is my research:

5 science tech artists/works:
“Adam Hunger / AP
Artist Kevin Jones sets up his display in an exhibit titled "It's Alive" at the Montserrat College of Art in Beverly, Mass. The exhibit mixes science with art to explore and comment on the power that biotechnology and other sciences are exerting over fundamental questions of life.” (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17387568/)

1st Place Winner
Mariela Bravo-Sanchez, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Van Gogh Nanotubes
From the mind of Vincent van Gogh to the surface of self-assembled arrays of carbon nanotubes. This image obtained via scanning electron microscopy, evokes the magnum opus of Vincent van Gogh, Starry Night. These arrays are formed from a dried dispersion of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) dispersed in water with a polymer PVP and a surfactant SDBS. The average width of a small SWNT bundle shown here is ~1 µm. False color was added with Adobe Photoshop. (http://image.mrs.org/images/f09sciencea ... anchez.jpg)
-Radiohead launches new camera-less video

By Christie Nicholson Jul 15, 2008 03:18 PM 3

The Oxfordshire band known for taking digital risks has done it again.

Last October Radiohead released their album In Rainbows as a digital download with a pay-whatever-you-want price tag.

Now, they’ve published the video to their song House of Cards, again online, but this time the kicker is that their video, which involved all the parts of traditional filmmaking, was made without any cameras or lights.

They shot the entire thing with lasers. Computers constructed the resulting 3D moving images of pinpoints and wide colorful landscapes. (Watch video below.)
(http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/ ... 2008-07-15)

Singing Wineglass
Joshua Penrose

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by klmurphy » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:24 pm

The Pufferfish PufferSphere - photo
The Pufferfish PufferSphere

"The Pufferfish Puffersphere is an inflatable projection device that can be set up to show images right on its surface. To do this, an internal projection unit takes over. You can set it up for all sorts of things, even advertising. Very unique."

Peter Greenaway on Veronese´s Wedding at Cana
San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
The scanning head moves over the surface illuminating the area that is being recorded. LED light contains no ultraviolet rays and generates minimum heat. The painting was scanned in 37 columns and 43 rows. Each capture was 22 x 30.5cm with an overlap 4cm on the horizontal dimension and 7cm on the vertical dimension. Each file was saved in 2 formats (Tiff and Jpeg).

The recording was done at 600 dpi with 16 bit depth of colour. During the recording of "Les Noces de Cana" 1,591 individual files were saved in Tiff format resulting in an archive of 400 gigabytes.

The telescopic mast was also used for conventional photography - using a Phase One H25 digital back fitted to a medium format Hasselblad body. The Phase One records 5488x4145 pixels (22 megapixel) with a pixel size of 9x9microns and 48 bit colour (16 bit per channel). The photography was done in 450 sections (18 columns and 25 rows) using the ambient light in the room.

The archive of photographic data consists of 593 different files totalling 41 gigabytes of data. (In order to cross check the information the painting was also recorded using a Nikon D80 producing an archive of 8.5 gigabytes of data).
(http://www.factum-arte.com/eng/conserva ... efault.asp)
The attachment Untitled1.jpg is no longer available

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by tcecchine » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:37 am

I uploaded my word doc, it has all the images and descriptions of each
ARTST 130 assignment week 9.doc
(1.82 MiB) Downloaded 482 times
Last edited by tcecchine on Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by Stephanie_V » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:53 pm

1 http://www.daniellewilde.com/dw/flies_files/flies.mov
Danielle Wilde uses a projector to show "2D choreography." It is a performance that is projected on a screen in real-time. It juxtaposes live performance and recorded performances - the analogue and the digital.

TXTual Healing
Paul Notzold has people send their thoughts via text messages and projects them onto buildings or a screen as speech bubbles.

3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPp9juefl2Y
Tod Machover uses technology to enhance a musical performance primarily dominated by robots. This is done using visuals such as pixelated screens and robots performing alongside humans.

Field of Light
Bruce Munro used optical fibers to create his installation of lights. The optical fibers remain "off" until it becomes dark.

Snow Noise
Carsten Nicolai creates works of art that fuse sound and visual effects. His work usually has a touch of "randomness," such as the work pictured above. Here, he had visitors help create snowflakes, which can never be identical to any previously generated snowflakes. His media consisted of "acrylic tubes, polystyrene boxes with copper tubes, dry ice, lamp with magnifying glass, wall drawing, sound, random noise generators," and the size specified was, "dimensions variable."

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by amirzaian » Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:40 am

“Saving Myself” was an artwork involving a Bonsai tree that would copy an image of it self with in the rings created inside of it. Each ring was altered by the climate with in the box that it was grown in therefore controlling the brightness and darkness of the ring.
http://5voltcore.com/typolight/typoligh ... rticles=69
“Revolving Realities” was an installation that altered the viewers’ senses by changing and manipulating the perception of an object. Lighting, lasers, and audio stimulation were used to change the surroundings of the environment and to change the viewers’ perception of reality.
“Kinetic Sculpture for the BMW Museum Munich” was my favorite piece where 741 metal spheres were attached to string connected to motors that manipulate each sphere causing a movement with in the structure that could be random or organized.
“Proxemia” was a work done by Mariela Yeregui. It was an interactive installation in which robotic spheres rolled around on the floor interacting with the objects in its environment. The spheres would also change in color by a light that was planted inside of them.
http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/emer ... i_001.html
Arthur Ganson created many works that involved machines. He created one work in particular which involved a baby doll. The piece was called “Machine with Abandoned Doll”. the doll was attached to motors which were connected to each ligament of the doll, the arms, the legs, and the head. When each motor was turned on it would cause the baby doll to move in an eerie way.

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by DCSmith » Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:02 am

One Augmented Sculpture - Pablo Valbuena
Valbuena uses projected computer generated images over his structural models/sculptures to augment the space. He also does site specific projections onto older buildings (currently Madrid).

Two Interactive Pool Table System by Obscura Digital
"A digitally-enhanced video-pool experience. High-definition imagery responds in real-time to every shot. User-selectable themes yield infinite possibilities." The technology behind the pool table alone was rumored at over $80000, with its fancy tracking system and realtime rendering software. Pretty much just awesome.

Three Exercise in Immersion - Marnix De Nijs
Designed as an "art game," the user wears a suit with a mic and virtual input visor as they explore an industrial warehouse. The visor has a sensor that follows the exact location of the user in real time and in the virtual world leaving the user immersed in both a virtual and physical environment.

Four Hubble Ultra Deep Field
An image of a small region of space in the constellation Fornax, composited from Hubble Space Telescope data accumulated over a period from September 24, 2003, through to January 16, 2004. It is the deepest image of the universe ever taken. Since then ultra deep field photography of other spaces have revealed a unbelievable amount of galaxies of varying shapes, sizes and colors. Small world maybe, universe, I think not.
http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archiv ... s/2004/07/

Five Pindar Van Arman's Painting Assistant Dahupi - Pindar Van Arman
A robot that creates art based on image files. The user can type in any object, for example a flower, and Dahupi will search google for an image with good lighting and contrast, copy it to disk and paint it. As it paints the camera analyzes the painting in progress and makes corrections and adjustments based on its perspective, much like a human would.

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by yunjikim » Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:36 am

1. Image
The Jam-O-Drum/CircleMaze exhibit by Blaine is an audiovisual instrument that allows for social engagement and interactive game play.

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbXm6JnG ... r_embedded
Griduo focuses on live video/audio performance and architectural photography

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMNoU-rH ... r_embedded
Zimoun's souns sculptures are mechanized works that reveal the intricate series of relationships between the artificial and the organic.

4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL9z3Yq5 ... r_embedded
LAB|au| developed a transdiciplinary and collaborative approach, examining the transformation of architecture and spatio-temporal structures in accordance to the technological progress.

5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsf05GNX ... r_embedded
Music Machines - Bosch & Simons. The role of the computer is paradoxical: although it controls the mechanics (usually electric motors), it can only partly foresee the physical outcome of its decisions.

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by danecsmith » Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:43 am

1. Ferrofluids. Basically, ferrofluids appear as a black fluid. They are prepared by dissolving nanoscale ferromagnetic particles in a solvent such as water or oil and remain strongly magnetic even in a fluid condition. Therefore, they are more flexibly transformable as compared to iron sand. It is well known that ferrofluids form spikes along magnetic field lines when the magnetic surface force exceeds the stabilizing effects of the fluid weight and surface tension. (See Image 1) http://www.robaid.com/tech/where-art-an ... ptures.htm

2. As a digital artist and architectural designer Jonathan Duckworth operates between art and technology, in the field of design and new media arts practice. He has a particular interest in exploring kinaesthetic experience and the aesthetics of interactivity as it relates to understanding multi-modal qualities of digital and physical space.
Jonathan's work is informed by a broad range of current research in virtual reality graphics technology, interaction design, physical computing and new electronic materials that bring to the fore unprecedented scope to modify our spatial experiences. http://www.synapse.net.au/people/jonathan_duckworth

3. As technology continues to blend flawlessly with our daily routine, the junction amid art and technology has become increasingly universal. Realizing the fact Japanese artist Mutoh Tsutomu has taken a step ahead in taking his artistic approach to the other dominion by installing Optical Tone that utilizes LED light spectrums in synergy with sensors that interrelate with guests to generate original light opus. The Optical Tone Algorithm is developed to visually alter the viewer’s sensitivity of the Optical Tone room. (See Image 2) http://elitechoice.org/tag/exhibitions/

4. The Soundscape. Each unit contains a miniature digital audio chip, coupled to a digital timer, set individually so that each of the thirty units has a unique time signature. The audio chips contain short samples of natural history sounds, bird song, insect song and frog voices. The combination of multiple sound sources, in conjunction with individual time signatures and the fluctuations of the solar power supply give the soundscape an un-cannily ‘natural’ presence. Technically, this a type of ‘emergent behaviour’ in which although we might hear individual elements repeat, the overall soundscape is in fact an infinite mix (somewhat like the always familiar, but never repeating sounds of a creek). In reality the soundscape blends so seamlessly with the natural environment it if quite difficult to distinguish the ‘artificial’ from the ‘natural’ background. Haiku.“Haiku” is a multi-part solar-powered environmental sound sculpture that distributes a series of traditional Japanese poems via miniature digital audio storage units operated by solar timers. http://www.sonicobjects.com/index.php/t ... listening/

5. In the spirt of GRL’s and Eyebeam’s open source beliefs, we are posting the code and executable for the Laser Tag application online for you to download, dissect, reuse and hopefully improve. The code is C++ and compiled in a super old school Codewarrior IDE for windows but it is oepnGL based and written using openFrameworks which is a cross platform library for writing creative code. So it should be very straight forward to run in Visual Studio, DevC++ or even xcode on a mac.
In its simplest form the Laser Tag system is a camera and laptop setup, tracking a green laser point across the face of a building and generating graphics based on the laser’s position which then get projected back onto the building with a high power projector.
There are a bunch of things you need to do to get Laser Tag up and running yourself, so here follows the required equipment and setup instructions. This will assume that you using windows but it will also apply for other OSs too.
We used:
1 PC Laptop - ASUS A8JS - Core 2 Duo 1.83 Ghz 1GB Ram Nvideo Geforce Go 7300 256MB - VGA and DVI out.
1 Pansonic PTD5600U 5000 ANSI Lumens 1024×768 DLP Projector.
1 Watec 221S Security/Astrononmy Camera with manual iris zoom lens.
1 Bogen magic arm and super clamp.
1 Pinnacle PCTV USB capture card.
1 60mW Green Laser (super illegal in a lot of places and very dangerous)
and loads and loads of AAA batteries.”
http://hackedgadgets.com/2007/02/25/gra ... laser-tag/
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFWcAkxz ... r_embedded
(See Image 3)
Image 3
Image 2
Image 1

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Re: 7. Art Made with the Aid of Scientific Technologies

Post by annab » Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:22 am

Glass Microbiology by Luke Jerram
Jerram worked with scientists on creating these glass models of pathogens, creating elegant figures of otherwise dangerious characters. He considers these works to reveal how our culture creates our depictions of what these pathogens are or how we apply our culture to it.

Joshua Davis
He works with abstract digital designs, arranging them in patterns often using a preset algorithm. In this case, he ran a program over and over to create these effects, only stopping the program when he like the effect. In several of his installations, these would be projected on a wall or a panel and in most of his works (including his non-digital ones), he likes to add an element of randomization especially along with the interaction of his audience.

data ECOsystems .HybridEnertainmentMatrix, by [dNASAb]
An aesthetic in itself, but also a critique of technology that's been fetishized. [dNASAb] employs this sculpture accompanied with sound and technology (use of ipods) to create this work.
http://www.tc43.com/ (likely better to google info about [dNASAb]

Amalgamide Tide by Taras Hrawbowsky
An HD video of of great Natural wonders, particularly of weatherly disasters--hurricanes, floodings and powerful waves using only animations of thousands of people to make the image. Hrawbowsky explains how people often construct destruction just for their own entertainment.

Mirror Universe at Caren Golden Fine Art, NYC, in 2008 by Devorah Sperber
Sperber creates the illusion of characters from Star Trek "beaming in", using beads. In many of Sperber's work, the usage of common objects to create a digitized effect--an illusion to an image. Sperber plays with the idea of that with art and science, we create the illusion of a "stable, predictable world".
http://www.devorahsperber.com/microsoft ... index.html

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